Letter from the
President and CEO

Welcome to Swope Health
Swope Health was born in 1969, the product of a visionary leader, E. Frank Ellis, who capitalized on the federal government’s willingness to fund community health centers as part of the multi-pronged war on poverty.
Ellis saw access to healthcare, for mind, body, and spirit, as a basic human right. He also envisioned how a community health center could empower and give voice to the people of the community, while also serving as an engine of growth.
From those first early days in the basement of Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church with a handful of workers, Swope Health focused on providing quality whole-person care, especially to those in need. Over the years, our scope has broadened – adding dental and vision care, specialty services, transportation, residential care; expanding our service area; and soon, becoming a teaching health center.
We are now the largest health center in the metro area, serving more than 42,000 patients a year. We routinely receive national accreditation and quality awards. We continue to expand our services in clinics, schools, daycare and community centers to ease access to care. Throughout our 50-plus year history, we have embraced the community and served its complex healthcare needs with compassion. While providing care in our clinics, we also serve as the voice of the community, working to right the wrongs of discrimination, to rebalance policies that burden the working poor, to advocate for economic equity that can strengthen our community.
We are a health center for all people, and we invite you to learn more about us in the hope that you will join us in our efforts, in any way you can. Consider us for your career, your volunteering efforts, your charitable donations, your personal advocacy and partnership.
There’s still much to do and we are grateful for your support.